Saturday, December 2, 2023

INkspirational DT Glitter

 The Ton Stamps Flawless, Pink & Main Stitched Slimline dies, FolkArt Glitterific paint, Sakura Gelly Roll

It's time for a new INkspirational challenge!

It's designer Pia's choice and her prompt is Glitter~

I added a Sakura Gelly Roll Stardust layer to one of the Copic colored pans in the makeup palette, and there's Glitterific Acrylic paint in the background.

It was sent to my nephew's beautiful wife (who loves makeup palettes).

I love that we can gift our creations, it's one of the perks of being a creative!

Please join us with your unique design~


cm said...

Marlena, your choice of a glittery makeup palette is brilliant; perfect for your nephew's wife and for our challenge! Love this!

Julia Aston said...

what a fun make up stamp Marlena! - love all the glittery blues and the eyelashes! the image is perfect for a slim line card! Julia xx