
Friday, December 23, 2016

Hold On To Hope

In light of my previous post, I wanted to add this card too...

(stamps: Papertrey Ink Inspired: Hope Mini Stamp set  dies:Papertrey Ink Inspired:Hope,Our Daily Bread Designs Chickadee)

I myself am struggling with all the feels this Christmas.

We lost my mother-in-law this summer, and I'm taking it harder than I expected.

Whenever I am reminded of the pain of losing her, I give it to God.

He gives me hope that this too shall pass, and that He is bigger than my hurt.

I have compassion for those that have to celebrate Christmas with an empty chair in the room...

may God give you hope for a new tomorrow....

'With each sunrise we are given a chance for a new beginning'

 I love this Time Out challenge~yessss to new beginnings and to new hope!

Thanks for stopping in~




  1. Sending hugs and prayers your way, Marlena; losses are hard at any time and yes, we feel them deeply during this season. I can empathize completely. Asking God to help us through the pain is something I need to remember to do; He is here for us and with us. Hope: so important to hold on to...

  2. Beautiful words - I hope you find comfort. Thank you for sharing this personal bit of your life with us at Time Out. Your card is inspirational. Jenny x


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