
Monday, December 26, 2016

Papertrey December Blog Hop Challenge

I did a little something different this year ...

I was alll about the tags.

(Thrill of Hope tag-Papertrey Ink A Thrill of Hope sentiment,In the Meadow snowflakes,Spruce & Sprigs die///Reason for the Season tag-Papertrey Ink Inspired Jesus sentiment,Spruce & Sprigs die///Snowflake tag-Papertrey Ink In the Meadow snowman,Simon Says Stamp Magical Christmas sentiment///Snowflake tag-Papertrey Ink What the Doodle Snowflakes) 
ALL TAGS:Simon Says Stamp Stitched Dress Up Tags

My fam didn't know what hit 'em.

I took this challenge at Papertrey and went to town creating different tags for each gift.

I love the mish mash of colors and patterns~anything goes!!!

The scary part (for my family anyway)...was I insisted on salvaging the tags.

So as they were ripping apart gifts I was on the sidelines gently reminding them to "pass down the tag please".


I think they were annoyed with me~hahahaha!!!

Oh wellllllsssss, it's my thing and I'm excited about them.

I used a pencil to address each tag, so I can reuse them next year.

(got the idea from Jennifer McGuire

I pray you had a blessed Christmas and that this week is filled with joy for you and yours.

We made it through another Christmas, guys...

that's something to be thankful for!





  1. hahaha, pass down the tag please! If you write every thing in pencil....just think about that! Your tags are a work of ART! Beautiful colors and papers and designs! I would have NOT passed them down, taking them all home! :)

  2. We save all the tags as well, haha! Your beautiful tags can be used for years to come.

  3. These are wonderful tags. Thanks for sharing!

  4. what a fun variety of designs on your tags - I can see why you'd want to use them again!

  5. Haha what a fun tag story and good idea! Your tags are lovely!

  6. Merry Christmas, Marlena! I always salvage the tags! If I can get to them before my girls! Yours are so pretty, saving them is a must! Sounds like a memorable day with your family. Loved your sweet story!

  7. You made some lovely tags! I know what you mean about saving the tags - I insist on it also!

  8. I too save tags if I can get to them before they are destroyed, so I can see why you wanted to save these beauties!! Lovely job Marlena!! :0)

  9. Don't blame you for salvaging those beautiful tags, Marlena! Why not reuse them? Now you've got a year to admire them. Happy New Year!


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