
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

For Those Who Love HIM

Death is inevitable.

That's the grim reality in my circle of family/friends right now.


we have hope.

This hope puts a smile on my face and keeps my emotional heart ticking....

I can't imagine living only for this world.

The pain, sorrow,

 shifting seasons and murky waters can be overwhelming.

However, His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my own....

and I thank Him for being my life.

He is worth living for!

stamp: Our Daily Bread Designs Scripture Series 3
paper: Authentique Renew,black cardstock
ink: Versamark
die: Spellbinders Classic circle
other: Ranger Super Fine Detail black embossing powder


  1. wow gorgeous card.. love that verse.. have a great day

  2. Amen! Hope in Him is our anchor for sure. Love your beautiful card. Hope all is well with you.

  3. This card is so beautiful and comforting, Marlena.
    HE is most definitely worth living for!

  4. I loved reading your post Marlena!! It is such a comfort to know that God is in control despite what happens around us. Your colors and card with the verse is gorgeous!!! Love it!! Thanks for joining us at ODBD!!

  5. Hi Marlena! Great art and a fabulous post as well. Thanks for being the constant blessing you are to our challenge blog.
    God bless you,
    Word Art Wednesday


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