
Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Notebooks

Don't you love an easy peasy, duplicable project?

I know I do.

I had therapeutic fun making two dozen or so notebooks in various colors  with my PTI dies and ODBD 1Timothy 6:12 verse.

My single goal was keeping the color combo unique for each notebook.

The hardest thing was deciding which embossing powder fit all color schemes.


Word Art Wednesday #101 Anything Goes

I pray you are well, friends~

stamp: Our Daily Bread Designs Not Forgotten sentiment
die: Papertrey Ink Mighty Oak
paper: Bazzill
other:gold embossing powder


  1. Oh, Marlena, what a beautiful notebook cover of fall tree and leaves! And I so love the Scripture verse! What a fabulous idea to create these wonderful notebooks...such a great gift idea! Yes, I LOVE projects like this one, since I to make gift sets for people. I loved reading your are so precious to be stamping for the glory of God. So glad you've joined us this week for the ODBD Shining the Light challenge! You certainly are shining His light! Hugs, Cheryl

  2. what a fun idea.. these came out adorable..

  3. MARLENA~Oh my goodness, I haven't been visiting as often as I should, and now that I have WOW, WOW, WOW - magical craftiness happening here!!! The notebooks are lovely; 'duplicable' - great word!! THANK YOU for noticing my VERVE win - not only was it a nice surprise, but it brought me here!! No more missing: I've Feedly-ed you!! Off to visit my family for much to be thankful for!

  4. Marlena, These are so functional and beautiful. We hope to see you again next week with more projects.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  5. wow! these notebooks are awesome!

  6. Beautiful notebooks! Love the colors and leaves! What a great gift idea!! Thanks for joining ODBD this week.

  7. So Lovely Marlena! Love those notebooks :)

  8. Beautiful project! Thanks for blessing us at Word Art Wednesday with your talents!

  9. What a great project! So fun to find something you can make duplicates of for all your friends! Thank you so much for joining us this last week for Word Art Wednesday. We do hope you'll participate again this week! Thank for your support and inspiration.
    Diane Noble (WAW-DT)


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