
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

~Triumph Over Fear~

Fear is debilitating.

It takes time, effort and faith~

lots and lots of move forward or at least stand in the face of it.

If you don't, you'll get mowed over!

I saw this lil' guy and he seemed to fit with this powerful sentiment.

Sometimes I feel like him-standing, but eyes bugged out and a little pale! ;)

If there is fear in your heart today...I pray the Lord allow you to triumph in the face of it!


I played with the hexagons from BoBunny's Hello Sunshine stamp set to create movement for the

 Word Art Wednesday #44 -encouraging words

Simon Says Stamp:Put a Stamp On It -all the images are stamped


Stamps: BoBunny Hello Sunshine and Camp-A-Lot,Verve Words of Wisdom
Ink: Tsukineko Memento Ink Rich Cocoa and Tuxedo Black
Paper: My Mind's Eye Six By Six Everyday Flair,Georgia Pacific White cardstock
Die: Spellbinders Large Labels
Other:Fiskar's crimper


  1. Hi Marlena! Very cute card! I wanted to take a second to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment about my altered journal featured during the Stamptember Blog Hop at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Your comments are much appreciated! <3 Candy

  2. This is really a sweet card, Marlena. Your art is always such a pleasure to see, and I thank you for sharing this in this week's challenge at Word Art Wednesday. I love to visit your blog and see your sweet creations. Enjoy your week, and I hope to see you again real soon if you do more crafting this week.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  3. Hi Marlena! Hope your having a great week. I agree-your image does reflect your words very well.

    Being triumphant over any weakness is empowering!

    Thanks for playing @ Word Art Wednesday! We appreciate your sharing with us!

  4. love this post marlena...and that raccoon is tooo cute and you know how much I love hexies:)

  5. What a great expression on his little face! Such a good pairing with the sentiment. And I love your background paper ... subtle but interesting!

  6. This is adorable! I just love that raccoon stamp!

  7. What an adorable card for such a powerful message!

  8. Your opening sentences would make for a really great stamp set! This little guy is cute, I like how you've left him uncolored.

  9. Hello Melena -

    I totally agree with you - is living in fear REALLY LIVING at all? Lets all CLAIM the confidence of FAITH. What a bold and meaningful card all packaged up so nicely.

    You inspired me today,

  10. Such a sweet and oh so encouraging card!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  11. This card is so cute. And I really really love the scripture. I really need to say this more to myself when fear pops up.

    Thanks so much for playing along with us on WAW.
    Have a blessed weekend.


  12. Hi Marlena, your card is just too cute!! And you are so right, the Lord allows us to triumph over fear. We just have to have faith...the size of a mustard seed will do. Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday this week. Blessings to you.

  13. Fab card Marlena, the image is so cute :)
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp for our Stamptember celebrations
    hugs Mandy xx

  14. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Movement Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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