
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

~BaCk To ScHoOl~

Although we are a homeschooling family....back to school is

BaCk tO sChOoL...bUsY, BuSy, bUsY crazy for us too!!!

We have to get up earlier and be all serious like around here.

I created a card to showcase the chaos and excitement swirling around.

I stamped the letters in with Hero Arts/Basic Grey Best of the Best.

The panel is a Spellbinders Large Label stamped with KaiserCraft Numbers and a masked Jenni Bowlin Composition stamp (isn't he the cutest wittle notebook?).

The following challenges inspired me to create at the last minute:

(last couple of days submission)

(last hour submission)

(last day submission)

I'd say there's movement across the card...enough for the

Thanks for stopping was nice to take a little time to craft and share~

Stamps: Hero Arts/Basic Grey Best of the Best,Jenni Bowlin Composition clear stamp,KaiserCraft Numbers clear stamp
Ink: Tsukineko Memento ink Morocco and Tuxedo Black,Ranger Tim Holtz Walnut Stain for edging
Die:Spellbinders Large Labels
Paper:Georgia Pacific White


  1. Fab card Marlena, I love the clean and simple design, so striking!
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week!

  2. Love your stamping in this, Marlena! The notebook and sentiment are so perfectly done! Love these colorful crayons!! Always a joy to see your work, Donna!

  3. I have a lot of respect for you home-schoolers, it must take a lot of discipline to swap your hat from Mum to teacher!!
    Cool card, love the colours and yes that little notebook is very cute :0)
    Thank you for playing along wth us at CASual Fridays :0)
    Jenny x

  4. Fab masking! You're right--that composition notebook stamp is so cute! What a fun card!

  5. Wow, perfect images for back to school time. I miss home schooling our children!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  6. So super fun. Love the composition notebook!

  7. Excellent card, that composition notebook stamp is so much fun.

  8. Super cute card Marlena. Love that compositin book image. Neat! Great colors too.

  9. Love the little notebook image, looks great with how you did the title :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  10. The composition notebook is so fun and unique! GREAT card! Thanks so much for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays this week!

  11. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Movement Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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