
Friday, May 13, 2011

A Thousand Flowers

     While we were stationed in Germany, we had the opportunity to take a day trip to Venice.  If you haven't been, know that the bus ride was 5 hours EACH way and we had an 8, 5 and 3 year old on the adventure. 

The road trip WAS the adventure.  Enough said. :)'s this piece that reminds me of Venice.

  It's called Millefiori. 
(Thousand Flowers)

Since it's warm enough to wear the pink T-shirt (Yayyyyy!), I busted out this necklace.  
It didn't take long for me to admire its beauty and then.....hmmmmmm

 Embellish's new challenge! 

      I tried to mimic the flowers of my jewelry.
I'll admit those flowers WERE tedious.  I just had to show you the HUGE die I used to cut out most of the tiny flowers. I wanted you to see how committed (obsessive) :) I can be when I have a "vision".  :)

I think it was worth it.  

Hope you like it, and thanks for peeking in. :)

Stamps and Ink:JustRite Seeds of Kindness,MS Stamp Patterns (used for the scalloped circles and blue border),Memento, clear embossing powder
Other: Spellbinders Scalloped circle, Basic Circles, Sizzix 3D tree (for the flower), Sizzix Flowers, Branches, Leaves Die,Sizzix Texture Plate, Sizzix scalloped tag, MS Border Punch


  1. Love your jewellery inspiration... ALL those flowers, it must have taken forever, but it was worth it!

  2. WOW!!! A true beauty!!! Boy you are one patient lady with all those worth it!!!!

  3. Beautiful embossing! Thanks for joining Embellishes Tags Color Trends Challenge.

  4. This is beautiful! i love the little circles and flowers! Thanks so much for playing along with Embellish!

  5. I love the embossing background and all those little wonderful details! Thanks for playing along with us!


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