
Sunday, June 23, 2013


Yesterday was my "white space" day.

There was minimal stress and lots of home time for me.

Hence this white space card for

Aaaahhhhh, tiny details and soft colors are great for the soul.


I got blessed with a quirky moment~hee hee!

I had just stepped out of a grocery store (a quick list counts as simple!) and was ringing my husband on the cellphone.

Right when he picked up ....a beautiful Pomeranian pitter-pattered  through the parking lot and made a bee line into the grocery store.

It was like, a THOUSAND steps for it to get there, by the way. ;)

I matched my husband's greeting with, "Woah! I just saw a wild Pomeranian run into the store."

I stepped back to get a better view of the fun (that was one fast pup...I knew it would take time to snatch him).

A few seconds later...this tough looking fella marched outta there with that cute Pom at his heel.

I don't know which was more of a surprise to me...

Stray Posh Doggy Runs Through Store  


 Posh Doggy Retrieves Scary Tough Owner.

Either scenario was fun. ;)

I love when God lets me witness offbeat (outside of my home...).

It's just a reminder that we're ALL weird and don't fit that box.

Just sayin'. ;)

Hope you have a great day~BLESSINGS FRIENDS!

stamp: WPlus9 Banner Love/Written on Ribbon
ink: Papertrey Ink True Black/New Leaf/Hibiscus Burst
paper: Georgia Pacific white,American Crafts Sketchbook
other: Crop-A-Dile,sequin


  1. Great card, love how you used the banners!

    Chris L.

  2. Wonderful card, Marlena. Funny story :)

  3. Gorgeous crisp card and such a fun story!

  4. Great and wonderful card.. Enjoyed reading the story.. I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog..

  5. Marlena - your site is my morning's first stop (after making coffee) - and what a treat! Your rambunctious pomeranian runs amuck story has me giggling; I can just picture those little furry legs and slighty 'up-tilted' nose hurdling along at mini-dog warp speed, and the look on the burly owner's face - too funny! Your 'witnessing offbeat (outside my home)' is priceless! Double treat with your card: colours, banners, chevrons, hearts - and 'well-placed' white space = stunning! LOVE it! THank you for your comments on my blog; today, the sun is shining, the waters receding and highway reconstruction commencing! Hope today brings you joy!!

  6. Really love your banner and how it's not the traditional/standard "V" cut! Thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

  7. this is so cute! lovely card! thanks so much for joining us this week at CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

  8. What a hilarious story! I enjoyed reading it. :) The balance of the whitespace and the punch of colors looks so fabulous, Marlena. Great design! Thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  9. What a fun story to read, Marlena, you crack me up! The pink/green/yellow combo is ... WOW! Really love the cut on your banner too. Thanks so much for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!


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