
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I needed to chillax.


I'm so glad I got some crafty time in....I was inspired by Carol's recent comment, wishing me some card-making time.

What an encouraging blogger, I tell you!

Crafting DID just the trick and gave me some much needed "me" time. ;)


 I feel a bit out of practice blogging~maybe since I've been stretching outside of my comfort zone lately.

I've been "out there" so much...that I haven't had much "inner thought time" for myself.

I'm more of an "inny" than an "outy", so I hope to get some down time soon to be reflective. ;)

If not, I get grouchy and whiny.

Stay afloat, my friends...STAY AFLOAT if you are also drowning in lots of activity.

May YOU get some much needed crafty/reflective time in!


stamp: Waltzingmouse My Island
ink: Hero Arts Soft Cantaloupe
paper: Georgia Pacific white,Authentique Renew
die: Spellbinders Deckle Rectangle
other: Kaisercraft rhinestones



  1. Sorry for not popping in for such a long time!
    I just LOVE the island feeling of your gorgeous card Marlena!

  2. I think we could ALL use some Chillax time. Your card is lovely, and I like the way the color sweeps in from the side. Great job with the WMS Blog Party creation!

  3. Marlena, you've added a dance to my step today for sure - first, for the lovely card AND post you shared, and second, for linking to me! Your thoughtfulness, warm comments and honesty (love how genuine you are!!) are so refreshing, rejuvenating and inspiring! Yes, "me" time is important - and I'm glad that in the midst of all things "outy" you found some 'inny' time. I suspect we share snippets of being 'introverts'(which reminds me, I ought to read the book about 'embracing' my introvertedness, called Quiet); I soooo need my little 'self-haven' and projects to keep me balanced (well, as balanced as I get...) and afloat!
    Your card, and sentiment, and post = WONDERFUL. Time to reflect, create, share - peace of mind, peace of being! Hugs to you!

  4. Marlena this is fantastic! I love how you worked the PCC colours and the black palm tree is awesome.

  5. This is fabulous, Marlena!
    Love the colors you used...
    and that scene against the tweed...
    and the color swipes on the side...
    I love it!

  6. I just adore the colour combo!! It´s perfect and you have use it just perfectly :) Very nice summer card !

  7. Love your swipes of color and how you extended the palm off the main panel!! What a striking card!

  8. Marlena this is terrific, I LOVE your style, you always manage to make such striking cards!! I love the palette you used also, you absolutely nailed it!! thank you for ending our party on a high note! Thank you so much for playing along with us!

  9. Wonderful card. I love those stripes in the background.

  10. great mix of patterns and papers that all come together beautifully Marlena!

  11. I love how you took your relaxing "me" time and made a very relaxing card - you should post it as a reminder!!

  12. This is fabulous, Marlena! I love the offset panels and the inking on the right edge. Thanks for the encouragement! I seem to have forgotten how to craft & blog these days.

  13. I love your fun and cheerful card, great colors and the palm trees just say summer!

    Chris L.

  14. Just a great 'chillaxin' card! Love it!

  15. Nice combination of challenges! This is a very chilled card - I do like the way you've brushed on the colour. Lovely.

  16. Oh I love this, Marlena! Reminds me of an American flag with those stripes!! Like something that I would see on a Vintage t-shirt. Love that it's cut with a deckled rectangle, too. I think that's one of my fave nesties of all time :)!!

  17. Back again...did you do the "out of the box" technique to have those palm tree leaves floating outside of the rectangle? It looks to perfect to be paper-pieced. I still haven't quite figured out how to do partial die cuts like that yet! So awesome!

  18. Beautiful design! Makes me want to go to the beach!

  19. Marlena, this card is truly gorgeous!! Love the colour combo and the chevron pattern in the background. The palm trees look so inviting... Summer is still months away where I am ;) have a nice day!

  20. Hey lady... saw that cool inking of the edge on your card and had to come take a closer look. I love this design! And sorry to hear you're swamped (isn't summer the time to slow it down a notch???)

  21. Marlena this is a beautiful card , I think I can feel the breeze! Love the colors too! I like the way you made the palm trees extend to the rest of the card.

  22. great card and I really like the inking you did along the edge of the card.

  23. Marlena, this is the PERFECT way to chillax ~ under a palm tree with a tropical breeze blowing :)

  24. Feeling all Miami Vice here. Love it. What a darling card... Thanks for joining us at The Play Date Cafe this week!

  25. Hi Marlena, I love this! What a fabulous use of the colours, the black and white chevron background looks great with the splashes of nectarine. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, and do remember to keep taking some crafting time for yourself. Hugs, Sue x

  26. Love those stripes behind the palm trees and the BG is fab!!

  27. Hi Marlena - You're a fab 4 contender! Had to stop in to congratulate you, and seeing you win has been a major day-brightener! We've had topsy-turvy times here! I returned home late yesterday, after having been evacuated Thursday, due to the flooding that has devastated and land-locked our little town of Canmore AB. Our place is safe, dry and as of an hour ago, with power and water. My husband - who was planning to compete in a bike race in Oregon - abandoned his plan to try to return but is still unable to do so as the highways surrounding us are mud and debris covered (and missing in places!). Fingers crossed mending will occur soon. In the midst of this chaos, seeing your card showcased is a real gift! Thanks for bringing much brightness to the gloom! You have me smiling!!

  28. Ok, seriously. I love this so MUCH! Those stripes are so fabulous, you've inspired me with how you used that little stamp! This is so perfect! So glad you could join us for this week's Play Date Cafe Challenge!


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