
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't Have a Pumpkin

challenges you to stamp with acrylic paint.

I wanted to make simple little Fall cards with one pumpkin, but

I don't have an individual pumpkin stamp.
An upside down apple will do!
Here are some simple, one-layer cards using Papertrey's Fruit Fusion Apple, 
stamped with Americana Acrylic paint.

 After inking up with paint, I gently made striations with my nail before stamping on the paper.
I wish I had done that to the first two...I like it. ;)

I'm sure the apple stem would have worked, but I wanted more dimension, so I made stems with floral wire.

Pliers were used to curl the wire, and then the stem was inserted through the hole and taped to the back.

Other challenges:

My cards are tiny... 3"X3"

One Layer Card
Thank you for stopping by's nice to have the company. ;)

Papertrey's Fruit Fusion Apple stamp,Papertrey's Wreath for All Seasons sentiment,Americana Acrylic Paint bright orange,Tim Holtz Peeled paint,floral wire,Kid's Jewelry Friendship Thread


  1. Brilliant cards! love the striations you made with your nail, genius!

  2. This is really clever, most innovative!
    Thanks so much for joining us in our attempt at the 1000 submissions!
    "Less is More"

  3. Hey Marlena! First of all, how brilliant is it to use an apple stamp for pumpkins!? I wouldn't have thought of/seen that until I read your descriptions!! GENIUS! I love love the peeking pumpkins at the bottom! SO cute! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. Marlena--love this CAS one layer card. Your stems made out of wire is just too cute!!! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Speedy the Cat's Challenge!

  5. Wow Marlena! There's so much to love here! Using the apple stamps and your "scratching" technique are ingenious! Awesome cards!!!

  6. a perfectly simple card, love your creativity in turning the apple into a pumpkin, (are you a fairy god-mother in your spare time) tee-hee

    Thank you for entering your ceation in the Speedy the Cat challenge to make one layer. We appreciate you!

  7. Super job!
    Thank you for entierng our challenge for 1000 entries!

    "Less is More"

  8. This is darling. You are so clever with your creative wonderment here. Shows what you can do it you have the will....there is a Thank you so much for joining Speedy the Cat's Friends one layer challenge. It is a pleasure to come visit to see what you have created for us. Good luck in the drawing. Hope to see you again next week.

    Bear Hugs,

  9. What a great idea! Your pumpkins came out perfectly, such a nice set of Fall cards!

  10. Perfect little autumn mini cards Marlena! Great job with the paint technique!!!

  11. Cute card, love the pumpkin. Thanks for playing along with us here at Speedy the Cat's Friends Challenge this week. Hope to see you again next week.

  12. Aren't you clever! An upside-down apple stamp is pure genius. Especially because lots of pumpkins (at least the ones we grow at my house) have flat bottoms from sitting on the ground.
    Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays this week!


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