
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bon Voyage

Flying used to be exciting for me.

After numerous moves...

and 5 hours of a rough flight through snow storms this past year...

...flying has lost its novelty.

I just want to get there.

Of course, there could be worse ways to travel.

How cute are these birds' expressions?

It took me numerous tries to get this scene.

I stamped the birds in Memento ink first (Copics bleed with my Staz on),

and then I colored them.

I found that stamping the cage with Staz On looked richer than stamping with Memento...maybe because the ink is sitting on Copic coloring.

Weird, huh? 

My first few tries, I stamped the cage FIRST with Versamark (it left an almost invisible impression) I knew where to place the birds.

However, practice DOES make perfect, because by the oh, sixth or seventh time of doing this scene..I didn't need the imprint. 

I knew where to place the birds by heart.


Thanks for stopping by today, it warms my heart. ;)


~Less Is More Week 33 Anything CAS Goes


Inkadinkado Bird Assortment,Lawn Fawn Bon Voyage,MFT Icing on the Cake,My Mind's Eye Stella Rose Mabel stamps,Staz On ink,Copics


  1. That owl looks resigned to his lot!
    Cute card Marlena.
    Thanks so much for another card in our attempt at the 1000 submissions!
    "Less is More"

  2. All your trial and error was worth it Marlena. The cages and birds look great and the card is adorable.

  3. What a fun and unique card - love it!

  4. This is wonderful Marlena! What a creative idea and execution of it! Very CUTE :)

  5. Super cute!
    Thank you!
    Your entering our 1000 target this week is very much appreciated

    "Less is More"

  6. OHHH! This is super cute--LOVE those little birdies--colored well!!! Great sketch and design for this card--as for flying, I enjoy it--only because it gets me to where I need to go quicker;) Great card all around!! Beautifully done:) THANKS so much for joining in the fun and playing along with us over at the PDCC:)

  7. Brilliant birds, great card. Well worth the effort.

  8. love your take on this challenge, Marlena! so pretty!

  9. LOL! I know what you mean! Super, fun card! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

  10. Your post made me smile, Marlena! I do love this scene you've created - I think it's so cute and funny, too. Bummer you had to try to get it right so many times! And yes, StazOn = no good with Copics. Learned that the hard way. Thanks for leaving me a lovely comment on the post about my daughter, it meant a lot to me. ANd thanks for sharing your card with us at The Play DAte CAfe!

  11. This totally made me laugh - those expressions are priceless. I love that you created such a fun and original scene. Thank you so much for playing along at The Play Date Cafe this week.

  12. LOL love it! The expressions on the birds are priceless! Love this innovative way of flying you've created with the PDCC colors, fantastic :) Thanks for playing this week at the Play Date Cafe!

  13. Ugh...I know what you mean about stamping and restamping. Ha ha! What a cute scene! I love the little birds and the balloons!


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