
Monday, September 18, 2023

Pumpkin Spice Thermos


I'm finally putting to use Traditional Tag Topper dies from Sunny Studio.

Picket Fence Studios Fancy Autumn Sentiments, Catherine Pooler Designs Pumpkin Season, Sunny Studio Traditional Tag Toppers, Technique Tuesday Oval and Rectangle Stitched Labels (decorative piece around tag hole), EK Success Fascinater (staple bars), Glitterific (on pumpkin)

Super convenient to take a swatch of paper, and create a long tag where everything can fit.

I wanted to line up my fall images and lovely Picket Fence Fancy Autumn sentiment.

The thermos speaks outdoors and roughing it, like the photo prompt at Time Out(plus the poppin' oranges my husband loves).

I also dusted off my Fastenater stapler and bars (I love the finish).

Thanks for your sweet visit!


  1. So many gorgeous details in your card Marlena - the warm colour palette, the layout, that lovely plaid thermos and your pretty pumpkin. So glad we were able to inspire you with our photo inspiration at Time Out Challenges, hope you'll come back again soon!
    Hugs, Kate!

  2. Love your Tag design on thisSweet card with the Autumn hues. The glitter on that pumpkin is soo cute. Thank you for joining us with this beautiful card, hope you will take time out to join for our ongoing challenge on Cancer Awareness/ Encouragement theme :) Hugs Ishani


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