
Saturday, September 23, 2023

DT INkspirational Clean & Simple (Inspired by a Movie)


Erin Lee Creative Queen Stencil/Yasss Queen Stamp set, Hero Arts MMH 2019 Kit red glimmer pot

It's time for a new challenge at INkspirational!

This time we have a Clean & Simple prompt with an optional twist- Inspired by a Movie.

Have you had a chance to see the movie Woman King?!

It's super inspiring.


The Queen stencil from Erin Lee Creative packs a punch, and it pairs well with this Hero Arts Glimmer paste I've had since 2019.

Please visit the challenge blog, view my talented teammates' works  and join us with your unique creation!


  1. what a wonderful stencil Marlene and lovely sentiment - so pretty in the black/red colors! Julia xx

  2. Ah, this I stencil is so lovely and feminine and the red paste makes the whole thing pop so beautifully!

  3. The glimmer paste gives the image great texture and shine and your stencilling is very clean and crisp.


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