
Saturday, June 3, 2023

DT INkspirational Seasonal


It's time for a new challenge at INkspirational! 

IndigoBlu Baubles image, The Ton Stamps Easy Expressions Holiday, Pink&Main Stitched Slimline

This time the prompt is Seasonal, so I picked Winter/Christmas.

Please visit my teammates and I at INkspirational and join us with your unique creation!


  1. what a festive baubles stamp you used Marlena! so pretty with the non traditional colors used - love the sentiment and slimline design! Julia xx

  2. Marlena, the Christmas ornaments are soooo pretty, especially on the slimline stage you created for it. I agree with Julia: the non-traditional colours are striking. Fabulous inspiration for our new challenge.

  3. Fun untraditional color choice and the image looks so great for a slimline design!

  4. What a great, unconventional colour choice and a really stylish design.


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