
Saturday, May 20, 2023

INkspirational DT Mood Board


The Greetery Frosted Frames, Journaling card

It's time for a new INkspirational Challenge!

We have a gorgeous Spring Mood Board that should give you a wonderful start for your unique takes!

I used a journaling card and extra die cut and pattern strip to put together this quick card.

Please visit my talented Teamies at INk and join us~


  1. what pretty layered framings around your lovely orange butterfly Marlena! The plaid orange strip really pops below your image! Julia xx

  2. I second Julia - the framing of the butterfly really accentuates how pretty it is. Beautiful take on the Moodboard!

  3. Very cute quick make, well done! xx

  4. Great take on the mood board and a very pretty card.


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