
Saturday, January 21, 2023

Gingerbread Couple

Pixi Dust Designs Gingerbread Man/Girl Mug/Christmas Gnome Mug peppermint die, The Ton Stamps Easy Expressions Holiday

Here's a reminder of our challenge going on at INkspirational!

This cute gingerbread couple is new for me; aren't they the sweetest?!

You have one more week to join in on the fun there!

I'm also submitting this creation to the gingerbread inspiration photo challenge at The Card Concept~

The colors and "Winter Cocoa" images are scrumptious; I used them on this clean layered card~

Thank you for your sweet visit!



  1. Your gingerbread mug couple is absolutely adorable! I haven't ordered from Pixie Dust before; adding to my maybe-try list!

  2. This is darling, Marlena. Thanks so much for sharing it with us over at The Card Concept. We enjoy seeing your wonderful creativity and hope that you'll join us again soon.
    Karen L, DT
    The Card Concept

  3. Oh how darling!! I love those sweet mugs and I'm so happy you linked up to The Card Concept!

  4. This is just too cute Marlena :) Love your Gingerbread Mugs and everything else about your beautiful creation. Thank you for joining us at The Card Concepts. Karen (DT)


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