
Saturday, December 11, 2021

INkspirational DT Photo Challenge


It's time for another challenge at INkspirational!

This time it's a photo challenge~

Honey Bee Nail Polish Bottle Dies, Papertrey Ink Gift Card Cozy die

My daughter works at a salon, so you can imagine the possibilities that this die opens up for me!

I combined two classic companies: Papertrey Ink (cozy die) and Honey Bee Stamps (nail polish bottle die) and used our INkspirational photo for these creations!

Check out this photo and click it to check out what my talented team mates came up with.

Please join us at the challenge blog with your unique creation!


  1. You picked the nailpolish on her finger nails! How cool! I must say I adore those nail polish gift bags - or tags? - you've got there,so fun and stylish

  2. These are so much fun! Great use of the shades and the "feel" of the photo.


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