
Saturday, March 20, 2021

INkSpirational DT Fur or Feathers

It's time for a new challenge at INkSpirational!

Kit and Clowder Dog Breeds Colouring Class image, Impression Obsession Mask Die set, The Ink Road Stamps Home Sweet Lock Down, My Favorite Things Wonky Stitched Background, Brutus Monroe Cardstock (Sea & Wagon)

It's Pia's prompt and she chose the following:


I had to use this mask die again, and this time I paired it with a cute dog image I probably colored a year ago. 

Glad he can make an appearance. ;)

Please visit our challenge blog and join us with your unique creation!


  1. Awww...such a sweet puppy and coloured wonderfully! The mask...yep, that's pretty much part of all our wardrobes these days, isn't it! Fabulous card!

  2. Lovin' that mask dieis so relevant for everything these "dies!". I LOVE your little pup in his mask and your fabulous design and colours Marlena.
    Faith x

  3. Such a cute little puppy - and how great that his mask fits him so well, even if as a dog, he doesn't really need it. ;) Great card design, too!

  4. You’ve hidden parts of a really well colored dog, but the mask looks so good on him and it’s spot on for the times we’re in. I think your design is sweet:)


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