
Monday, May 14, 2018

Nautical Inspiration

I love nautical themes~always have!

stamps: DoCrafts Little Fishes dies: Taylored Expressions Little Bits Crustaceans, Altenew Handmade Tags

So this photo/sketch was on my mind when I perused a local scrapbook store.

Is it no wonder I brought this lovely "color me!" stamp home?
I was determined not to be intimidated by her size...refusing to back away from "What if I screw up her outfit after all this coloring???" nonsense.
I figured if I started with her hair and skin, I could paper piece the outfit if need be.
 It didn't come to that, but I had to explain myself when asked "What are you doing?" and I answered with "coloring".


The looks on their faces!! ;) was a stretch for me, yet very relaxing~yay!!!
Thanks for stopping in~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so sorry I had to delete my previous comment...problems with my keyboard :)
    I love how you played with the nautical theme and sketch, Marlena! I think you did a really BEAUTIFUL job coloring this image, too...she is so sweet!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at Fusion!

  3. Love your nautical theme. And you did a great job coloring her - I'm sure you didn't need to worry at all! Thanks for joining us at Fusion!


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