
Monday, April 9, 2018

Throwdown Birthday Card

I started this card Saturday and used fresh eyes today to finish it up.

I'm glad I let it sit until today~I'm not motivated to start a whole new project, you know?

Sometimes it's nice to get one going~

stamps: Simon Says Stamp Wold Beauty, Winnie & Walter Happy Birthday to You  dies: Winnie & Walter Happy Birthday to You

It's your typical "I'm already tired and it's only Monday" kind of days. :)

Praying I perk up for the rest of the week!!!



  1. Great design! Glad you came back to finish it. Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  2. Lovely design, the colours are gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. Have a great day x


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