
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blessed Color Blocking

I love color blocking and angled sections~

(stamps: Papertrey Ink Palm Prints  die:Papertrey Ink Counting My Blessings)

There are at least three ways to achieve blocking, which are demonstrated at

hosted by  Laurie

 My solid remnants were used in this card~love when I can incorporate the slivers!

 I used the photo in the following challenge to guide my color scheme.

Gold accents are IN IN IN and I LOVE IT.

I think it adds sophistication to any item.

 Creating this card was a great start to my week~hope to get more crafty time in!

Thanks for stopping in friends~



  1. I love how this turned out Marlena!! Your color combination is perfect and I love the gold too! FABULOUS card!! :0)

  2. Great idea, Marlena, to incorporate more than one challenge in your card. This "blessed" card is very striking, and the strips of gold put it right at the top. Awesome!

  3. I love color blocking in cards and this one has such beautiful lines. Thanks for playing along at Fusion!


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