
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Layering Up for a Change

So I layered up today...

(stamps:Verve:Love Story framed sentiment/Poppy Birthday flowers  dies:Verve Build a Poppy/Lovely Marquee/Pennant Trim  other:dp fussy cut leaves)

I know, right?!

Doesn't even look like something I'd make. :)

 It's me, I promise.

I don't know what happened.

One minute I was

working with these colors...

and the next,

I finished with this sketch~

It's like someone took over me. :)

It's a little different for me, but I like it.

I chose this sentiment for a wedding...graduation...goodbye...I think any of those would be ok.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....

ha! ;)



  1. Very pretty! That sentiment is lovely!

  2. Oh, this is beautiful! Love the mix of stamps and colors. Thanks for joining us over at Mojo Monday!

  3. I like your layered up look! Great job on the challenges!

  4. So pretty! The sentiment is great and yiu definitely rocked the sketch. Thank you for playing the CQC with us!

  5. Such a fun card Marlena, great use of the sketch! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the colour this week!


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