
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pinches of Goodness

I'm not feeling so Christmasy this year, guys~

really not feeling the seasonal wash of holly.

However, I AM feeling pinches of love and kindness.


This has been a Christmas season of little bits of goodness.

(stamp:Verve Cup of Kindness Free Digi  -THANKYOU!!! dies:Spellbinders Deckled Rectangle  other:mara mi roobee gift tags,star confetti,glittery twine)

I see God moments shining through little, but multiple, unexpected ways~

much like this bright tag accented with a pinch of purple


I've had these gift tags for a LOOOONG time...flip them over to solid and they make a wonderful bright base to build from!

 I have a feeling this Christmas will be VERY special, and I'm excited to see what He has planned. ;)

May your day be filled with bits of heart and surprise moments of joy, friends!




  1. Such a fabulous colourful tag.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  2. What a really fun design!! Love the sparkly fibers on your tag! ;)

  3. Love your colorful tag and that fun fiber! Thanks for joining us at Mojo Monday!

  4. What a fun and cheerful card! Love the colors!


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