
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Throwdown Poppies

(stamps: Sweet 'n Sassy Precious Poppies, Papertrey Ink Super Stripes/Songbirds dots, Hero Arts Texture and Shape splotches  die: Spellbinders)

Check out this color combo~

I HEART poppies!!! 

 I have quite a few poppy stamp sets~

I was inspired to ink one up
 (so hard to choose~I hope to make another).

By the way, I have permission from my sister to post the awesome costume her husband MADE, according to her fun idea~


He is so talented and she is so brilliant!

They make a great team. ;) 

 ~Thanks for stopping by~



  1. Beautiful poppy card! They are one of my fave flowers as well! Thanks for playing along with us at Color Throwdown!

  2. Your card is beautiful, Marlena, and so is your cute sister in her awesome costume! :-) Thanks for joining us at Fusion!

  3. Your poppies are sooo pretty, Marlena...awesome use of the colors!!! Love your sister's costume, too!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown!!!

  4. Love all of the different design elements you combined ... lovely card ... so glad you joined us at Fusion Card Challenge.

  5. Marlena, lovely use of the sketch...your design elements flow together beautifully!! Thanks for playing along with the Fusion Card Challenge!

  6. My wonderful Marlena! I have been dreadfully remiss in commenting, so I'm correcting that RIGHT NOW with an exclusive YOU gallery stroll! Your poppies are beautiful...and so is your sister in her delightful costume! Cheering her and her husband's combined creativity; they remind me of you...talented and brilliant (and a sweetheart!)


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