
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chipboard Snowmen Ornaments

 I'm motivated to create ornaments this year to add to gift soaps and teacher cards.

A few years ago I created these dancer ornaments, which were fun to duplicate.

I'm not one for mass production (I'm a one-at-a-time designer).

I really have to like something and it has to be easy to replicate if I do.

Since I haven't adequately used these blossom dies enough~I thought I'd try this technique with them.

I'm so glad I can justify the purchase now!

(stamps: Unity Snow Wonderful/Wishing You Joy/Blossom Stackers  die: Spellbinders Blossom Tags and Accents)

I added some silver sequins and embossing powder for a little more festivity~

~navy colored ornaments~

Only thing, these were a little tacky, even after adequate drying time.

No worries...I read somewhere that spreading on a little baby powder does the trick (and it smells good too!).

Here is a card using the ornament as a focal with a different message~

I want to see what else I can fit in this shape.

I've got five more ornaments to assemble first, though.

Thanks for stopping by~


  1. These ornaments are so cute. They will be loved for sure.

  2. How awesome and creative, Marlena. Very pretty ornaments.

  3. Those snowmen are perfect for this blossom die. Love them!

  4. aww these are adorable.. love that cute snowman..

  5. These are all so CUTE! I think those ornaments are so pretty :)

  6. Hi Marlena, I'm thrilled that you shared this tip with us! These ornaments are amazing! I have very few dies and love to use them in many different ways. Thanks so much for showing us some ideas with this one (which I want so bad now!) I really appreciate it.

  7. Your ornaments are so cute! Great way to use the die! I am sure everyone who receives an ornament will be thrilled!

  8. Adorable ornaments and card! Love that snowman!

  9. Love ideas for ornaments Great job

  10. Very cute ornaments. I'm making tags, ornament and something else this year just haven't decided yet.

  11. What a great post and a wonderful project! I love how these could be used as ornaments or as the focal point of a card. Versatility is always a good thing! I also had to smile at your write-up because I could relate on so many levels! I have a hard time mass-producing, too, so I appreciated your thoughts on that. And great tip about the baby powder! I walked away from your post happy and more educated, so thank you for the inspiration on so many levels. Thanks for sharing this with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  12. Great idea. I'm thinking what to use for this years tree. Not a bad idea.

  13. I am thrilled that you won this week - these are just superb! Congrats and I hope you like the stamps they send. Hugs, Autumn

  14. What a cute snowman and so cleverly used in both of your projects! Thanks for joining us at Inspirational!

  15. I'm with you on avoiding mass-producing, but sometimes, a design or image or, in your case, an amazing project, just calls us to make not one, but several! Your ornaments are beyond adorable! I can just picture you smiling and humming Christmas carols as you created them...they're infused with joy, be they on their own or adorning a card...Fabulous!


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