
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Where There Is Love

(stamp: Verve More than Love  die: Avery Elle Dotted Borders Elle-ments)

I stumbled upon The Hop to Stop hosted by Becca Cruger 

via the lovely Darnell J. Knauss

To quote Becca's post...

"...purple is the color of National Domestic Violence Awareness month. 
1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence over the course of their lifetimes." 

15 years ago I had a new friend bravely share the harrowing life she was living with her husband.

It was definitely one of those God moments...because I'm not one to pry.

I'm really not.

For some reason she felt she could trust me and little by little pieces of her nightmare eeked out in words~

10 min here and there as we whispered in between worship and women's Bible study classes. 

There were moments here and there when our kids had play dates.

As the reality of what was going on in her home settled in on me...and the shock wore off (because I seriously WAS floored)...

I prayerfully advised her to speak with a local mentoring couple who gave her and her child the resources to flee this dangerous situation.

  I know it was God directing me because

I had only lived in the area a few months prior to her arrival (typical military atmosphere).

 I had never experienced this dilemma before.

I was a new Christian and clueless to what the "right" answer was for this.

I mean, this is a MARRIAGE and FAMILY we are talking about.

I didn't know what to do or how to help her.

I'm grateful the Lord gave me timely words to enable her.

So grateful for this sweet, GODLY couple who didn't sweep it under a rug.

Super grateful they BELIEVED her and put her safety first.

By the way...her husband didn't look like a monster.

 He appeared like a doting, faithful husband and behaved well in a public setting.

In fact,

he was charming, nice, and smiled.

Just because it isn't obvious doesn't mean it isn't happening.

It is what it is.

 Unfortunately, even if it's not happening to you...more likely than not,

you know someone who is living it and probably hiding it.

May God give us the ear to listen & the boldness to be encouraging.

Also, may He give us wisdom to help those that can't help themselves.


  1. Your sentiment says it all...lovely card.

  2. beautiful card, beautiful story! I love that you were there to help someone and sometimes all we need it the right person to have a open heart and listening ear

  3. You are very right and I read your whole beautiful story and glad to know that you are always there for help someone!
    Your card is very elegant with a perfect sentiment for this great cause!

  4. Beautiful happy you were able to help a friend in need...

  5. Loved reading your story and it echoes perfectly what many ladies go through...the husbands look perfectly nice chaps on the happy you were able to create a difference
    Saw you entry at the Hop to Stop and dropped in to have a closer look. Your card is simple and beautiful ..I will be dropping in again.
    Do drop by my blog when you can
    Dr Sonia

  6. Your story gave me chills because it's so true. Often abusers are the charming, well-spoken types who hide everything behind closed doors. Your card is beautiful and I love the sentiment. Thank you for raising your voice and your talents to support the Hop to Stop!

  7. Such a beautiful card for The Hop to Stop. Your purple beauty caught my eye and I stopped in to get a closer look. What a powerful blog post - I believe you made a difference in this women's life. Thank you for caring and for supporting this worthwhile and very serious issue.

  8. I love the desing of your card! It is amazing what is hidden behind the door of a house. What a great friend you were to support her.

  9. Lovely card, and great sentiment for this hop!


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