
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sock Monkey Treat Bag

I've envisioned this project since watching Monday's tutorial...and I'm pretty proud of the fact that it actually got done!

hosted by Ashley

I created a Sock Monkey Treat Bag with my Papertrey Ink Snowman Die.

I based the front and back off a garland I created a few years ago.

Amanda still has that garland and still loves Sock Monkeys so I'll probably use this as a gift bag for her.

(die: Papertrey Ink Shape-up Series Snowman  stamps: Technique Tuesday Inner Circle (mouth)/Ordinary Days (eyes))

That's it for me...I'm going to take a look see at the wonderful gallery of projects that linked up.

I quickly glanced at the thumbnails and they are ADORABLE!!!

Ashley's tutorial could be used with just about any die...I'm going to have to remember the instructions for the insert. ;)


  1. And your's is ADORABLE, too, Marlena! I never would have thought to make a sock monkey out of a snowman! So ingenious!! Hugs, Darnell

  2. Oh how very clever of you, Marlena! Your gifty box is too darn cute :)


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