
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dotted Tags

My youngest girlie is sick.

She's been sick for almost a week now~

poor thing.

She's missing out on haunted hayride fun with her friends and sisters today, but I'm proud of her for acknowledging she's too sick to go.

I tied a special something around her favorite drink to make it gifty.

(stamps:dots from Papertrey Ink Shape-up Snowman Accessories/Songbirds  dies: Sizzix tags, Papertrey Ink Sparkle & Shine)

Maile Belles' dotted tags from Papertrey's Day 4 Release sent me in the direction of all season embellishments.

It inspired my dotty tags~the xoxoxo tag seemed like the perfect sentiment 
(xo stickers are from my oldies stash).
Aren't Maile's gold/black/white tags classy???

I've always loved stamping with dots...they make my head all swimmy like. ;)

I can't wait to create more.

Thanks for stopping by~


  1. These really are cute! Now my head is all 'swimmy" too just from looking at your sweet tags :)

  2. I saw Maile's tags and loved the look too, but I'm smitten with yours, and the way you used them to cheer up your daughter! Maken 'em happy is our life's work! You did well, Marlena. Congrats on the win!


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