
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cute Masked Caper

I used to love halloween~

until I became a Christian.

Now I don't relish it as much...but it's still fun to dress up, right? 

(stamp: BoBunny Camp-A-Lot, Clear&Simple Circus Fun sentiment  die: Spellbinders Postage Stamp)

I love the theme here at Inkspirational...

I know he usually looks like this, but this masked caper looks dressed up to me.


Man, I wish I could share my sister's costume's SO AWESOME..

maybe after she wears it she will let me post it. ;)

This is a test to see if my sister reads this post...


  1. so totally cute.. love that little critter..

  2. Cute card! Thanks for joining us over at Inkspirational! :-)


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