
Friday, October 9, 2015

Can't Park Straight

I hardly ever park straight.


You know I've parked the car if it's at an angle.


It's my creative "mark".

However, when it came to this week's challenge at Papertrey...I made an extra effort to not be "me".

 hosted by Laurie Willison

Watch the'll learn a thing or two about how to attract ink to your stamp.

 (stamps: Papertrey Ink Background Basics Super Stripes/Songbirds  inks: Raspberry Fizz/New Leaf, Versafine Onyx  other: Copic Gray)

 This second card is for my artistic brother-in-law.

He will be so impressed I stamped those lines~they aren't perfect...but they might as well be, coming from me!!! ;)

He knows how I roll...willy nilly and what not. ;)

(stamps: Papertrey Ink Background Basics Super Stripes/Grunge Me  ink: Papertrey Ink Enchanted Evening/New Leaf, Versafine Onyx)

By the way...I must have used 20 baby wipes to keep these cards smudge free~

Thanks for stopping in~

1 comment:

  1. Straight as arrows! Great job, and beautiful color combinations!


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