
Monday, May 5, 2014


I love being in my forties.

I'm not too thrilled about my aging body, mind you ;)

...but I wouldn't change the perspective for anything.

 I constantly remind my girlies that "this too shall pass" and there is 


Lord willing. ;)

This is my first try at this week's

I can't imagine the perspective I'll have in another 40 years... ;)

stamps: Stampendous Vintage Crowns swirls,Hero Arts Texture and Shape,Tim Holtz Phrases 2
ink: Memento (Angel Pink,Bamboo Leaves,Tangelo),Versafine Onyx,Hero Arts Soft Cantaloupe
Want2Scrap adhesive pearls,Crop-a-Dile Corner Chomper


  1. I completely share your thoughts on being in my forties. On my 40th birthday I felt like I had received so many new gifts from God -- better insight was one of them. Love it!! Love your card too. Great sentiment.

  2. I agree with you on the aging bod.! If only we could have the perspective of our forties in our twenties - I'm sure life would have been a lot simpler then! Great one layer card and I love the sentiment. Thanks for playing along at Colour Q!

  3. Gorgeous card! Love that sentiment! And I love your way of thinking! :)

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  4. What a fab CAS card Marlena. I love the way you used the paint stripes and the colours look great together!
    Carol x
    PS enjoy your forties - they can be great years.

  5. I am approaching 2 times your age. I can tell you I am not the same person I was at age 40. Time has a way of mellowing one. I have far more wisdom that I had 40 years ago, although sometimes I still make some pretty stupid mistakes. I am far less gullible. I am a much safer driver than I was at 40, regardless of what the media has proclaimed about older drivers. Enjoy the next 40 to the fullest! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Awed by this card, Marlena - the brush strokes and the sentiment, nestled on its whisper of pink - is pure delight! I enjoyed my 40s, too, although they passed tooooo quickly! Now, I'm embracing my 50s (nearly mid-50s...eek)...Hugs~c


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