
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Me & My Shadowwwwww

Here's me and my shadow~


We're sharing our card for the

I must realllly love you Papertrey!!!!

I put make up on and everything even though I'm not going anywhere! ;)

This is my go-to hat for "hey, I'm too lazy to do my hair".


Congratulations on your 7th year~may there be many many more!!!!



  1. Marlena, this pic of you and your 'shadow' is adorable! I love that you put on make up too LOL!
    Fun card for PTI :-)

  2. Oh you made me laugh Marlena ...I did the same thing and I did not do my hair either. You look beautiful I am sure with or without make up. Great card from what I can see:).

  3. This is a great photo of you Marlena! Love the hat. Hope you are well.

  4. Marlena, you are gorgeous (with or without make-up)! And your shadow is a cutie-patootie! This photo is totally melting my heart! Wow, my friend, simply wow!! Hugs~c

  5. are Adorable Marlena!!! Love your card and your hat! Fantastic :)


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