
Monday, January 6, 2014

Your Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God...
Psalm 51:10

I love that the challenges are starting up again~such fresh, new chances to create!

My lines are stacked like the blankets.

Also, check out the poms on the fringes of the blanket...I dotted the city die with my SSS Circle Border die for the textured look.

Today is COLD COLD COLD in my neck of the woods...these blankets are SO APPEALING right now!!!

I pray you stay warm friends~

dies: Simon Says Stamp Circle Border Die,My Favorite Things Solid Skyline,Sizzix Tipsy Heart
paper: DCWV Chickadee,Kraft,Georgia Pacific White
other: Teresa Collins Tell Your Story Sticker,Xyron Sticker Maker

1 comment:

  1. You find some of the coolest challenges (because YOU are cool!), then just fly with them in the most creative ways! Your take on the stack of blankets (oh, they look toasty cozy), is brilliant! Follow your heart...we need to do that more often! Hope your weather warms up soon!! Hugs~c


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