
Friday, January 3, 2014

Life and Everyday Moments

Goodness I'm having a fun time creating lately...

I'm encouraged, even though we are getting back to the grind soon.

It's what most of our days are filled with, though, right?

Check out the gorgeous color at

I saw citrus glitter spray at the store and thought of this outfit~

see how these challenges ENABLE at times? LOL

I figured, if it's a hot color...might as well have it on hand!

I used it to spray this unusual-shaped wooden frame~I think it looks like a flower now...esp. since it has some color.

Ok, the sun has gone down, so it's too late to take pictures in case I'm up all night inspired, LOL.

stamp: Sweet 'n Sassy Keep In Touch frame,Technique Tuesday Ordinary Days,Papertrey Ink Rosie Posie
other: Krylon Citrus Dream Glitter Blast glitter spray,sequins
ink: Hero Arts Soft Olive,Memento Pear Tart,Papertrey Ink True Black


  1. This is Awesome Marlena! Thank you for joining us at the Runway :) Happy New Year!

  2. This is beautiful! Thanks for joining us at Runway Inspired Challenge

  3. Your citrus glitter spray looks fabulous on the wooden flower, which pairs wonderfully with the RIS. The sentiment: LOVE!! Hugs~c


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