
Monday, October 21, 2013

Out on a Limb

I don't have a problem going out on a limb with crafting.

It's the only arena where I can truly HANG LOOSE.

For example,

I painted with nail polish in negative die images at the edges of this card for the

I used bright colors from ColourQ Challenge #211

to create a dimensional, non-traditional colored leaf wreath for 

 These creative tactics I won't hesitate to try.

To me there is little risk in playing on a card.

However, this is in stark contrast to the way I enjoy friendships.

Go out on a limb, yes, but let my heart follow?

That's another matter entirely.

After all the hellos and goodbyes (with little in-betweens) we've had through my husband's military career~I'm afraid I've gotten a bit leathery in the people department.

Not because others have let me down per se,...but because I've met SO MANY wonderful people that I've had to "let go" physically.

It was heart wrenching.

It IS heart wrenching.

It never gets easy.

My military extended family and I will always share hearts because we've survived tours of change,sacrifice and pain during patriotic service.

We're strung together by those few years we shared at "X","Y", or "Z" and acted as surrogate families during major life events and holidays.

I can't count the number of different faces that changed in the birthday and thanksgiving party pictures in our stacks of physical and digital photos over a span of 20 years.

Only the McDeavitt faces stayed similar~changing slightly with age. ;)

Lately, the hardest thing, has been allowing myself (and my girlies) to freely love the civilian friends that we might live around

for. the. rest. of. our. lives.

 ~now that we are retired and "settled".

 It scares me, crafty people. ;)

However, I trust that God is doing a mighty work in my heart as I follow these civilian friendships to another level of depth that has been a long time coming.

I thank God for His immeasurable wisdom and grace in this new chapter of the Marlena novel....
I pray there will be sweet, sweet fruit!

stamps: Papertrey Ink Might Oak, Sweet 'n Sassy Season of Change
die: Sweet 'n Sassy Season of Change
ink: Papertrey Ink True Black,Memento (Rose Bud,Tangelo,Pear Tart)
media: Nail Polish,Copic marker black


  1. Marlena I have not stopped by in a while but love it when I do. Thanks you ever so much for your years of service! My heart goes out to you, please don't be scared . Keeping you in my prayers for your new life , oh the people you will touch with your very kind heart.
    Ok, love the card and the nail polish …….great idea and look ..that made me smile! I always smile when I come to your blog.

  2. Marlena, I too thank you and your family. I shared this same life, but my husband was not in the military. We moved from location to location all over the world, a lot of them dangerous and I was intimidated by the last ones. Every goodbye was hard. The last move was basically so that my husband could find work and even that was hard. It isn't easy to say goodby to people you know and have depended on. I too have had a hard time being in the states, finding friends that shared the same kind of lives. Hang in there, I have found the most caring people in blog land. so many people will be hoping and praying that your lives get easier as time goes forward. I love your card as always, love the nail polish! Thanks for playing with us at the colourQ, I always enjoy seeing what you have created! Go girl...hoping to continue to see you stamping and sharing at the colourQ.

  3. fabulous card and thoughtful words.

  4. Touched by your words. I know you will do fine, I know WHO you're achored to! Enjoy every step of the next phase, and keep blogging! Love coming to visit.
    Oh yes, the card! Bright and beautiful, as always a joy seeing your creations.

  5. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Color Media Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  6. Love the creativity of this! Know it must be so hard to say goodbye. Have experienced some of that but not the level you have. Thank YOU for your service. THANKFUL that you know the anchor that is always there. He will direct you. Our God will never leave us...And one day we will never have to say goodbye. Blessings to you :-)

  7. Thank you and your family for years of service in the military, Marlena! I can't image you will not be happy in your new life, your faith in God will see you through, sweet friend.
    Your card is nothing short of AMAZING~I love your creative thinking-outside-the-box use of nail polish :o)

  8. Love the bright colours and feel of this pretty card.

  9. wow this is gorgeous.. love the combo of colors..

  10. Beautiful colored leaves.

    Hugs Diane

  11. Marlena, your post tugs at my heart! My dad, when I was a young 'un (ages ago!), was a geodetic surveyor, and we traversed throughout Canada and parts of the US, rarely settling in one place for more than 2 - 3 weeks at a time. Indeed, my childhood memories of "home" are of a canvas tent, with a wood burning stove in the center! When I started school, we traveled less, but my early years saw me in 10 different schools before Gr. 4, and then several more subsequently. Once I was in high school, we settled in the city I call home, where I lived until moving to the town I reside in now. I can empathize with your hesitation - and yes, fears - to establish friendships, because 'losing them' to distance is hurtful. Taking a risk to reach out is hard, but you're strong, and wise, and open. Trust in the journey you've been offered; reach out when you're ready; have faith that all will be well! And know that you have a group of people here in blogland who think the world of you...and we aren't leaving you!!! Your card - fabulous, as are you!!

  12. Just a beautiful card. The colors are wonderful and make me smile.

  13. I am always so impressed by the people who commit to the hard life of the American military. Congrats on 'retiring' and I hope that all of you make some very strong connections in the future. Great card too! Thanks for joining us at the Colour Q this week.

  14. So much fun. I love those brilliant, brights used on the leaves. So playful and fun.


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