
Friday, March 8, 2013

MOOD BOARD and Sharing

I was blessed to receive a Melody Ross kit from a lovely lady at church.

Her strict instructions were to "share".

She is SO SWEET and makes me feel like a child again, seriously!

You are never to old to grow and learn~

I'm going to chug away with this collection, so that I can share the cards,

instead of hoard the supplies!

I recently acquired (supplies falling from the sky again-love that!!) the ribbon die which was the perfect backdrop for the button.

I used the challenge from
WPlus 9

to help me put this card together.

There is a bit o' green for Simon Says a Bit O' Green.

die: WPlus9 Written on Ribbon,Spellbinders Wonky Rectangle
paper and sticker: Melody Ross Soul Food Collection
Bazzill cardstock,Georgia Pacific white cardbase


  1. Fabulous work chick :) A great design and lovely colours. Thank you for joining us over at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge, hugs, Dawny x

  2. A fabulous card, such gorgeous colours and a great design, I love how you've used the ribbon die!!

    Thanks for joining us with Simon Says Stamp challenge,
    Heather xx

  3. Love your card, love the layout

    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Challenge this week


    Jo x


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