
Monday, March 11, 2013

Because of You Mallory~Happy Birthday!

Because of you, 17 years ago, your Dad and I learned what it meant to live for another besides ourselves.

It was then that I desired, more than ever, to be a better person.

Because of you...we wanted more little "wonderfuls" and your awesome sisters came along. ;)

Because of you...I'm a homeschooling mom that learns much,much more than I teach.

Because of you, our lives are full of laughter and joy~

Happy 17th Birthday sweet Mallory!

May the Lord bless you and lead you to seek His will~

we are SO PROUD of you hon.

stamp:WPlus9 Written on Ribbon
dies: WPlus9 Written on Ribbon,Spellbinders scalloped ovals
ink: Papertrey Ink True Black,Staz On Fuschia 
paper: American Crafts Amy Tangerine Sketchbook


  1. Such a touching post, Marlena, and a truly lovely card as well. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  2. aww Marlena this is such a sweet post.. Happy Birthday to your sweet Daughter..

  3. What a lovely post for your daughter, Marlena. Love the colors and design of her B-Day card :) Happy Birthday to Mallory!

  4. Does your daughter know what a special Mom she has?!?!? I agree with you that raising kids is the most important job in the world but I'd be the first to say it ain't easy!

  5. Because of you, Marlena, and your husband, your "wonderfuls" are growing up as thoughtful, warm-hearted, generous, well-educated young women who will, when the time is right, be moms just like you: amazing!
    Because of you, thoughts of my niece (she turned 3 last week) and nephew (ONE tomorrow!) fill my heart, spilling over...
    Because of you, my day has been brightened, my spirit lifted, and my creativity sparked.
    Thank you for sharing, for inspiring, for being YOU!

  6. Great card!!...and Happy Bday to Mallory!

  7. Such a great card!!! I knew there must be something we have in common - my birthday was also March 11th. I hope Mallory had a happy one, I know I did. :>)

  8. I love your mix of patterns! And a happy birthday to Mallory! Thanks so much for joining us on the Runway :)


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