
Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm Missing the Palm Trees

It is SNOWING here ~ which has me thinking of palm trees. 


WHITE palm trees, that is. ;)

I am born and bred an island girl and this set (My Island) speaks to my heart and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. ;)

Claire is hosting a Chalkboard Challenge this week-so I brought this set out again.

There's plenty of time to give this technique a go!

I picked the beautiful sentiment from Waltzingmouse's My Island and a random line from Teeny Trees (I LOVE THAT ELEMENT) to accompany those beautiful trees.

The border at the bottom of my card was created with a Papertrey Ink Photo Finish Strip that I trimmed.

I have the elegant meshing with the "relaxed" island vibe.

A bit of palm Dad used to hire someone to CLIMB THE TALL PALM TREE behind my grandma's house. They would cut the coconuts loose so they wouldn't fall later on unsuspecting heads. 

I imagine that is a normal yard grooming precaution everywhere for tall palms.

Ok, I feel better already~ just thinking about summer and swaying palm trees~

stamps: Waltzingmouse My Island and Teeny Trees
dies: Spellbinders Label 25,Papertrey Ink Photo Finish Strips
other: Versamark ink,Recollections white embossing powder,Versamagic white ink,white pencil,Georgia Pacific white cardstock,black cardstock


  1. Marlena, thank you for kicking off our Challenge with such style!! I LOVE the chalky palms here, this is a stunner, and how fabulous to have had an actual palm tree at the bottom of your garden. If you have snow, I'm guessing where you live now is far away from those palms! Thanks for sharing your memories!

  2. Marlena this was a great stamp for you to use. Love the card you made. I never would have thought to use that set. You have me thinking now. Love the black and white,it has a elegant breeze to it!

  3. Fantastic Marlena, what an excellent stamp to use.

  4. Fabulous card!!
    This set is so perfect for this challenge...
    and I didn't even think of it so thanks for the inspiration! :)

  5. This is fantastic! The way that you smudged around the palms is perfect - really adds movement, like they are swaying in the breeze. Love it!

  6. Oh this looks fab - I love the die cut out - somehow it reminds me of a surfboard in the sand!

  7. Those palm trees and the sentiment are wonderful!! Wishing you happy breezes!!

  8. Love it - the palm trees look like they are moving with theis technique. Love the CAS simplicity of the black and white too.

  9. How clever and creative!! Love your chalky palms!! Beautiful card!!

  10. Love your island beach Chalkboard Marlena! I can just feel those warm breezes!

  11. A lovely black and white card the palm trees look real with this chalk effect.

  12. COOOL! I love the palm trees with that die cut shape, Marlena! So striking!! This little blog hop has me wanting to take out every stamp set and try this technique...such a creative choice with My Island! This could be on a cool surfer T shirt!!

  13. Love the die cut and these gorgeous looking palms! Absolutely lovely.

  14. This is just beautiful and now you have me wishing for palm trees! I don't see many in St. Louis. =)


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