
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Lately we've been watching action flicks...and there were some elevator scenes that inspired me.

Since you cardmakers are punny punny people...I was hoping you would appreciate my little moment of aha.

I designed this on my Silhouette for

While I was on the elevator theme...I went ahead and made this for
Paper Crafts January 2013 Gallery.

(Milestone birthdays)

I also designed this on my Silhouette.

For both cards, the only line I set to "cut" is the outside border.  Everything else I set to "no cut".

I would have never been able to line up those circles without the "align" just isn't in me!

Thanks for stopping by~I appreciate the visits~


  1. Genius!! These cards are absolutely awesome!!

  2. Very, very clever. I love the puns! Hmmmm. Maybe it's time to move from Cricut to the Cameo... If it can do wonders like these, it might just be worth it! Great cards.

  3. genius!!! and yes the punniness is sooo appreciated! great concept and design :)

  4. Oh, oh, oh. A big round of applause Ms. Silhouette!

  5. Totally creative, Marlena! Love your elevator-inspired card (I would NEVER think of something brilliant like that!!)! Thanks for joining the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  6. This is super cool! Love the highlighted 12!

  7. OH MY, Marlena...wonderful cards!! Your designs are super cool and so fun...not to mention super them:)!! Always so wonderful to have you being a part of the challenges at CAS-ual Fridays:)!!

  8. Oh YAY, so excited for your mention at CASual Fridays!!! I had no idea the Silhouette could do this. So darn cool, and quite creative ideas by you! Congrats!

  9. Wicked fun Marlena!
    Yes--that is the best part about making your own cards: to bring creativity to life!

  10. Congrats Marlena on the well deserved "Contender" recognition. I don't have a silhouette, but these projects are so intriguing, you may have to ask the company for a commission! The highlighted 12 is SO cute and clever. Enjoy the spotlight! Great job! : )


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