
Monday, January 14, 2013

~A Clean Heart~

I pray everyday for a clean heart.

It needs it!

Even when I try to do "good"...the Lord lets me know when the wrong motives have crept in.


It's not fun to be reminded of how diva-ish I can be...

in fact, it's downright humbling.

However, His Spirit keeps me close to saving grace.

Without His guidance and pure heart...I am just another gal trying to draw attention to myself in words and actions.

I want to be the kind of gal that draws attention to Him and His pure motives and ways.


I made this card for will replace the post-it note that's near my computer.

I got this lovely verse from

Word Art Wednesday #62:Hearts-

you can get it there, free!

Make a Window Challenge in the Moxie Fab World

 inspired me to give this card depth.

I merged different files together to create this tag on my Silhouette.

May our hearts be made clean and pure for the Lord's purposes!

Word Art: Word Art Wednesday Verse challenge #62
die: heart,tag from Silhouette Cameo
paper: Georgia Pacific white,black cardstock
other: Hemptique bakers twine


  1. So beautiful, Marlena! I love your clean design. And that is a favorite verse of mine, too.

  2. Holy toledos batman! Did I need this today..(tail between my legs and looking sheepish..) make one for me too? ;)

  3. Hi Marlena! Your posts are always SO refreshing, and I just LOVE having your art shared in our challenges. Thanks so much, and have a blessed week!
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. Such a beautiful post! Your card is gorgeous and so are the faith message you wrote.

  5. You are such a humble person. I love your words and feel the same. Your card is perfect!

  6. Marlens,
    This card certainly draws the focus to the Master. He has gifted you with talent that enables these beautiful creations that bless others and turn their hearts towards Him. Well done.....
    Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    May the Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!

  7. Absolutely beautiful and so clean that the entire focus is on the verse!

  8. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Make a Card with a Window Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  9. Absolutely wonderful, Marlena. I love the verse, the way you've displayed it, loved your post. :) Hugs!


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