
Monday, October 8, 2012

~Moxie Fab Blessing~

Today I have the honor of being featured at Cath's Moxie Fab World.

What a blessing!

If you're daring/patient enough to hear a little more about me.... ;) can go here.

hosted by Ashley
Your project must use at least one Papertrey product and include stamping inside the card.
~ Thank you for blessing me, my blog friends~
with your comments, prayers and kindness since I started this blog adventure...
Stamps:Papertrey Ink~Grunge Me,Year of the Flowers Roses, and Count My Blessings
Die:Papertrey Ink Count My Blessings
Ink:Papertrey Ink True Black,Tsukineko Memento Ink Elderberry
Paper:Georgia Pacific White,Bazzill purple


  1. I was SO happy to see your feature on the Moxie Fab blog. I'm so thrilled our paths have crossed in blog land and it was great to get to know you better in this post. Congrats on being featured!

  2. Congratulations, Marlena! What a great interview!
    I think WE all are very Blessed that you are sharing your creative talent and truly sincere posts with us on your Blog. {{{HUGS}}}
    PS: thank you for your support and sweet comments always :)

  3. Woohoo!! Congrats, congrats, Marlena! I have enjoyed getting to know you and you are absolutely inspiring in so many ways! This card is certainly beautiful and well-thought out! I adore the composition!
    PS: my answer to your sidebar inquiry about a "serious card-maker" is a resounding YES to all of them!

  4. This is fabulous Marlena!
    Congrats on being featured at the MFW! Wow... well deserved!

  5. Congratulations Marlena!! Loved your interview! Great card for the MIM Challenge, you are blessed!

  6. Congrats! Love your card! Thanks for playing at The Play Date Cafe.

  7. Marlena, I am so happy you were selected as a Moxie Fabber. Your work is wonderful and you deserve the honor.

  8. A well-deserved blessing my friend! Hugs to you :)

  9. Congratulations on being Moxie Fab! Loved reading more about you and even more LOVE this card! The word window is perfect.

  10. Congratulations Marlena... I am so happy for you..

  11. Your interview brought tears and smiles. You're an awesome lady, and a talented one to boot! Nice to know you. Congrats and grat job!

  12. Congratulations, Marlena! Very well-deserved and very well-done interview!!

  13. Congrats on the Moxie Fabber Interview!

  14. YOU are definitely a Moxie Fab girl! Congrats! I was so happy to see someone I knew. Cath really knows how to pick em!

  15. Oh, Marlena, I was SO excited when I saw you were the Moxie Fabber of the week! Congratulations! The honour is well-deserved! :-)

  16. I was so happy to see that your were the MF girl. It was a beautiful interview. I left a comment there. Love ,love ,love this card. How did you ever come up with this idea ! Beautiful. I think we are very blessed to have you in blogland!

  17. What a fun card Marlena! Congrats on being featured on MF. I am so excited for you. Hope all is well.

  18. Congratulations on being featured on Moxie Fab World! It was nice getting to know you!

  19. GORGEOUS card with amazing details! not surprised cath was excited about this card! Thanks for joining us in the Play Date Cafe!
    -Rachel w k

  20. WOW!! This is so NEAT!! I LOVE the slit title!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  21. Congratulations on being featured on Moxie Fab Marlena. You deserve it girl! What a pretty card. Love the deep purple and the die-cut letter. Great design.

  22. Marlena, I've just returned from a Hawaii/Texas vacation to discover you're the Moxie Fabber this week. I am so excited for you! YOu certainly deserve it, because you are a gem. Enjoy the deserved spotlight, my friend. :)

  23. Yeah! I saw it and was so happy for you. You deserve it, Marlena!! Your card is fantastic--great design!

  24. I saw it, Marlena! You're ever so deserving! CONGRATULATIONS! And your card is so pretty! LOVE that little sentiment window!

  25. Big Congrats, Marlena on being Moxie Fab this week!!! Enjoy it:) You deserve it!

  26. This is so lovely and fun!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. Hi, I was so blessed reading your Interview and the difference your parents made to having such a life as you have today! TFS! I love Jesus too!!

  28. A great card, I really like the colors!


  29. What a beautiful card, Marlena! So very YOU! I have been busy doing other things besides challenges and blogging lately, so I'm a little late in recognizing that you are the Moxie Fabber of the Week. Yippee for you! I loved reading your interview as well as all the wonderful things Cath said about you. I feel very privileged to have been the recipient of much encouragement and kindness since we "met". So glad for you to be recognized in this way. Congratulations. As your card says, you are indeed blessed!

  30. Late congratulations on being featured on the Moxie Fab blog!
    Hugs and smiles


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