
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Interpretation Leads to An Interpretation

I created a funky card for

My daughter was inspired by my card and created this~that's me, backstage~watching my card stroll down the runway...

 Isn't it the cutest????

I love the way her mind works~LOL...

stamp: Verve Treasured Words
inks: Versamark,Tsukineko Memento ink (tangelo,rich cocoa,morocco,pistachio,bahama blue)
dies: Papertrey Ink Movers and Shakers Spinners Die Collection,Spellbinders Scalloped Circles
paper: Papertrey Ink kraft and rustic cream,Bazzill
other: paper piercer,yellow embossing powder


  1. Gorgeous card Maqrlena :-) I love the party hats and CAS design :-)
    Your daughter is very artistic ! what a fabulous drawing and such a cute idea ! :-)FAB ! :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge :-)
    Lols x x x

  2. oops sorry about the spelling Marlena :-) the 'q' just snuck in there :-)

  3. Ok. I'm partial to your daughter's wonderful rendition of your card as THE center of attention! How cute and loving is that!~smiles, Terry Y.


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