
Saturday, September 8, 2012

~Mini Card~

Make a mini card: 4"x 3" or less.

I reached for the sunshiny colors while we still have sunshine and the last traces of summer!

The flowers and sentiment are from Flourishes Hydrangea set.

I took the smallest floral image and inked around the rectangle~easy peasy.

Thank you for stopping by~you really do bring me sunshine bloggy friends!


Stamp: Flourishes Hydrangea
Dies: Spellbinders Lattice Rectangle and Large Labels
Ink: Tsukineko Memento ink dandelion,Papertrey Ink New Leaf
Paper:Georgia Pacific White, My Mind's Eye Six By Six Everyday Flair
Other: American Crafts satin ribbon,Crop-a-Dile corner chomper,Scor-Tape 1/2"


  1. This is so sweet Marlena. Love the stamped frame. Thanks for playing at FTTC. :)


  2. Such a cute and gorgeous card Marlena!

  3. Hi Marlena

    Your little card is certainly going to cheer up someone's day - I forget to make small.

    Thanks for visiting me too, and leaving a comment.

    Have a super weekend.
    ~ Barb

  4. What a sweet card. What a blessing this will be to the one who receives it!! ~ Blessings, Tracey


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