
Friday, September 28, 2012

~Blog Header Card~

CAS-ual Fridays CFC72 has a GENIUS idea this week...
Toot Your Own Horn~create a project inspired by your blog header.

How cool is that????

I love it!

I think it's fun to read about the headers.

My youngest girlie wanted this cool citrus floatie~and to justify the cost...I thought I should use it as a prop. Had this great idea to put my crafties and some bright cards on it and let it coast!

Funny thing is...I wasn't worried about the cards (I give them away and they've been archived)...but I was seriously gulping once the float moved and I saw my Copics and stamp pads stare back at me all helpless like. 


After "the shoot" was over...I coaxed them over to me, whispering sweet 'nothings and "apologizing" to my favorite tools. ;)

You might be rolling your eyes right now...but try taking your faves and send them out into the middle of a pool and then we'll talk. ;) LOL.

It's so weird.  I didn't expect to react that way.

Ironically, they didn't make the final cut as the header, but did make it in the smaller pic at the bottom of my list on the left sidebar.

Enough's the card:

I meant to create a "playful" card...but I started I always do when I stamp.

Our handbell choir is operating at 60% right now...each and every person matters in such a choir (AND IN LIFE)~RIGHT?!

You don't have to be a big slice to matter in God's eyes.

You matter because He says you matter.

 "And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you. No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary." 1 Corinthians 12:21-22


I'm curious to see the blog header interpretations this week....

Take care friends~


Stamps:Verve Words of Wisdom sentiment,Verve Happy Days swirl,Waltzingmouse My Island shack image and Teeny Trees "seeds"
Paper: Authentique Journey,Georgia Pacific white,Bazzill white
Other:paper piercer,Scor-Tape 1/4",Recollections white embossing powder
Ink:Versamark,Ranger Tim Holtz salty ocean (summer)


  1. How fun to read the story about your blog banner, I'm so glad you included it with your lovely card.
    Blessings to you~

  2. Awesome take on this challenge!!! AND, I love the story behind it. Thank you for visintg my lil blog and leaving some comment love :)

  3. You are too funny, Marlena! Love reading your thoughts and share! Your take on blog header is fabulous! I love the citrus design of your card and that Flourish (splash)! Totally refreshing! So glad that you join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. Great story about your header, you've inspired me to actually choose one of my very own. Great card too, love the bright yellow :)

  5. Marlena: All these cards are amazing! You've obviously been busy crafting away, and I would LOVE to have you share any (and all) of these wonderful cards in our challenge at Word Art Wednesday. It's always a special treat to have you share your work with us, and I really hope you will bless us by sharing some of these great creations with us. I look forward to seeing them in the challenge. By the way, I LOVE the blog banner and your creative edge is always changing and always SO intriguing. Your art makes me smile. Can't wait to have it all shared!!!
    Have a blessed week, my friend.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  6. Love the inspiration you took from your banner!! Beautiful verse, too!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  7. I can see how thoroughly inspired you were from your banner. This card is a spectacular interpretation. I love your story and understand how you felt when those tools and cards were floating in the pool.

  8. Loved your story about the slushie - well worth the price to see your girlie happy, but I'm with you... why are they so darn expensive. Glad you rescued everything. Love your citrus design - I think it's clever that you left a piece missing and filled it in with your sentiment! Oooh and I love the yellow and blue together!

  9. Very nice card and it represents you well. I love your blog post too. It was really fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a nice comment! Have a great day!

  10. A fun post Marlena! Inspirational too...nice when that happens so easily!

  11. I love this challenge and am putting my card up tomorrow :) LOVED reading your musings and love the colours on your card. I have a friend who plays the bells and was in the UK this summer at the international conference :)

  12. Marlena, great card and interpretation/inspiration - it's perfect

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love your banner inspiration take. I especially love the sentiment. Great work!

  14. This is beautiful! I love the analogy of how we each matter and how you tied that into this card with the sliced out piece. Gorgeous colors with the yellow and blue and great touch with the paper piercing! It's beautifully done. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog today!

  15. lol Marlena! That is such a cute story. I don't think I would have been brave enough to send out my supplies in the middle of the pool. Hehe. This is such a fun card. :)

  16. You are so funny Marlena! Great story for a fantastic card!

  17. Love your blog-inspired card ... wonderful design.

  18. Ack! I think I'd hyperventilate if my crafty stash was floating away! I love the story of your header and your card is fabulous! LOVE it :) I'm so glad you tooted your horn for us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  19. I love your interpretation of your header... and THEN your interpretation of your card! Amen!!

  20. Wonderful take on your header and I loved reading the story behind it. x

  21. Your card is really beautiful and I adore the sentiment, hugs x x

  22. Your card is a PERFECT interpretation of your blog header!

  23. I love your story regarding the photo shoot!:)
    Your card is a great interpretation of your header!

  24. Amen to that! What a sweet card, and what a sweet story about your blog header, too! I don't know if I could send out any of my supplies on a raft in the pool!

  25. Wow your card is a perfect interpretation of your fabulous blog header! Great work!

  26. Beautiful card with lovely colours,saw your entry on CAsual fridays


  27. Your card is awesome and such a great take on your colorful blog header! Love the punch of color! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  28. It’s an awesome publish in support of all the web people; I am sure that they will take advantage from it. by HRM 531 Week 4


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