
Sunday, June 17, 2012

~Wishing You the Best Puffed Fabric Silhouette~

Check out Erin's wonderful tutorial at Nichole Heady's site.

By the way...LONG TIME NO BLOG!!!

Don't hate me, but I just got back from Hawaii this week.

Almost my whole family lives there, so it was a family reunion.

I got to hold my 4 month old nephew...hug my nieces and nephew, rub my sister's pregnant belly and shop with my other sister like a lil' school girl (we're silly,obnoxious and giddy...super fun) ;) .

Don't take those little moments for granted!

I got to hug my parents; tell them I love them face to face...and eat everything I miss from Hawaii.

We appreciate the once a year visits~it's always hard to say goodbye again...


Ok, here's my card:

I love this silhouette image.

Since it didn't have a smaller version for the "puff"...I trimmed off a bit of the sides and bottoms of the foam piece. I used batting for the second layer of puff.

I'm also submitting this to

This awesome sketch was a great place to start creative gears are turning on slowly after my two week break....

Stamps: Papertrey Ink On the Links sentiment
Die:In the Meadow
Cardstock:American Crafts
Patterned Paper:Authentique Genuine and BoBunny Weekend Market collection
Ink:Memento rich cocoa and tangelo
Other:Fiskars crimper,Piggy Tales ribbon,stapler,Fiskars rotary cutter scalloped blade,foam,batting


  1. I've actually wondered about you and worried...and you were in Hawaii!!!

    It sounds like it was a wonderful time...but it's good to see you back on your blog.

  2. Fabulous card, Marlena. Love all the different elements you added.
    PS:I don't hate you, but I am jealous about you having family in HI ~ one of my favorite travel destinations with my husband.

  3. How AWESOME...such a fun design...I totally love it..

    How fun to have been in Hawaii..

  4. Such a great card.I loved it.Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.

  5. This is an amazing card! I love the background you created, and the sleigh looks awesome used like this. Just super!

  6. We would never hate you…. just super happy for you. Sounds like a very blessed trip, bet it was so hard to say goodbye. Love your very creative card, the colors are gorgeous.

  7. Hi Marlena! Our paths haven't crossed in the challenge world lately so I'm popping in to catch up on all of your fabulous work! And now I see you've been in Hawaii...lucky girl...every year!!! Great job with the puffy MIM challenge, I haven't tried this technique yet, but plan to. Take care ~ hugs!

  8. Very cool and unique card! Thanks for joining us at DYSU.

  9. Fabulous card! Love the postage stamp paper you used and that's a great silhouette. Thank you for playing along at Card Patterns this week!


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