
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

~Heartfelt Thanks~

Use a flower image on your project.

I was blessed to win the gorgeous Hydrangea set from Flourishes.

It came in the mail yesterday and I wanted to use it NOW!

Some help came from Colour Q Challenge #138

Since this is "layered up" more than my usual cards, I am also entering this into

Build up your card: by adding layers, paper tole, paper piecing, stacking name it!!

I love the scripture they are highlighting there:

Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

This is an excellent reminder for all women~myself included!

Women are relational...we tend to bond verbally.

I catch myself, more than once, wanting to unburden my heart when I'm hurt or insecure.

Unfortunately, it can lower the value of individuals (like the bad publicity of a product).  It really does a lot of damage.

I remember a Godly woman once telling me that the worst thing a Christian can do, is talk about other Christians as if God isn't there listening to the whole conversation.


I really try to remember that when I'm tempted to unload.

I pray your week is continuing well...right now I'm loving "normal".

I even welcome boring! LOL. ;)

I just thank God for this fulfilling hobby and you wonderful visitors~you always encourage me.

Thank you so much!

Take care now.

Stamps:Flourishes Hydrangea
Ink:Papertrey Ink true black,Ranger Tim Holtz mustard seed and Memento desert sand for edging
Dies:Spellbinders Label eleven,Spellbinders classic circles cut in half,Creative Memories oval cutter
Paper:Authentique Carefree pack,BoBunny Country Garden,Teresa Collins Everyday Moments,Georgia Pacific white,Bazzill brown
 Other:sewing machine,Uni-ball white pen,Copic aqua mint,Memento marker new sprout


  1. Love the great soft coloring on your Hydrangea. Thanks for sharing with Flourishes Timeless Tuesday.

  2. Beautiful coloring on the image! Thanks for joining us this week at the colourQ! :)

  3. Hi Marlena! Whay a lovely card! Congrats on winning that gorgeous stamp! Love your layout and color choices. Thanks for joining us this week at SSiC!
    Blessings to you!

  4. This is such a lovely card...congrats on winning a Flourishes stamp!! They are my favorite!! And thanks for adding your thoughts to my devotions this week, I appreciate it! Boring is welcome here, too! Thanks for joining this week's SSiC challenge!

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for joining us at Card Patterns this week! : )

  6. WOW!! Your card is BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE your take on the challenge!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!! =)

  7. Your card is beautiful, Marlena, I love your design! Thanks for joining in the fun with us this week over on the CQC.

  8. Such a lovely card, Marlena! I love the stitching and the faux scallop border. :) Couldn't agree more with you on the gossip thing, too. It's just not good for anyone involved. Hope you are having a wonderful long weekend!! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week!! :)

  9. Your card is GORGEOUS Marlena. Thank you for joining us in Flourishes Timeless Tuesday!

  10. Congrats on your win Marlena! You showed this set off beautifully! Awesome take on the sketch and CQ too :) !!! Hugs ~S~

  11. So very sweet! Thanks for playing at FTTC!

  12. wow this is so pretty...I love the design...great card...


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