
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

~Card Emergency~

Weeee oooohhhhh, Weeeee oooohhhh,Weeee oooohhhh

This is the siren my husband sounded out when I blurted out, "I have a creative emergency!!!!"

Horror of horrors...

 when I took a picture of my card, my oldest innocently thought this kid had a dunce cap on.

I can see the misunderstanding.
I added a party horn to his mouth.

The emergency is over. ;)

Now he's ready for a birthday!!!

CAS-ual Fridays: CFC51:Happy Birthday

I flipped the vertical line in this.

I have a feeling he will be singing that siren for days to come.

sigh. ;)

(Jenni Bowlin Mercantile Exclusive Boy Girl Silhouette,Clear and Simple Circus Fun cotton candy cone for the horn,Dear Lizzy + American Crafts Warble squiggly line,My Favorite Things sentiment,Spellbinders classic circle,Zig red marker,Ranger Tim Holtz Distress ink fired brick and mustard seed,Papertrey Ink Hawaiian Shores ink,Versamark ink,Memento ink tuxedo black,Ranger super fine black embossing powder,quilling paper,Kid's Jewelry Friendship thread dabbed with Copics red,yellow and blue)


  1. Ha ha! A dunce cap! lol! Fab card marlena, a great way to round up the challenge this week.
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week!

  2. Great card Marlena - the party horn really works.
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week xx

  3. LOL-a dunce cap! Adding the party horn was perfect! Very cool card. Thanks for joining us at DYSU.

  4. I so love the party horn, Marlena! And the hat is cool. Love how you are creatively used the silhouette stamp. Great card! Thanks so much for playing with us @ CAS-ual Friday!

  5. HAHA! That's hilarious, Marlena! LOVE this card- so cute and fun! Thanks for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays! ;)

  6. This is such a creative take on the sketch! I love the "dunce" cap. LOL

  7. Perfect! Come by for a visit

  8. Your write up had me laughing! Great card and love all the additions to the silhouette. Thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays this week :)

  9. Cute, cute, cute! Love the addition of the party horn. What a fun card.

  10. Funny! Great card! Love the party horn that you added and the hat. Thank you for playing along at Card Patterns!


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