
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

~To Sheldon~

I have been inspired by Kristii's Post to create a hybrid card.

My Shelby sketched her snail, Sheldon, for me to honor awhile ago.

Wow, what inspiration that lil' guy was!

We originally bought him a year or so ago, to clean up after Stanley, Shelby's African frog.

We were told these snails live only 3 months.

I figured there would be Sheldon 1, Sheldon 2, get the picture.

Sheldon defied stats and outlived his mean roommate who was always caught holding him like a hamburger!!!

In fact, he lived for about a year.

It was BAFFLING.  

Shelby was genuinely saddened by his death, and I created these notecards with her precious Sheldon sketch.

I toyed with my Printshop to get the four colors you see.

had me think of circular items, 

which led me to finish THE SHELDON PROJECT in multicolors.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting. ;)


Sheldon sketch by Shelby,Georgia Pacific cardstock,Scor-Pal for lines,Want2Scrap bling


  1. What a sweet card!!!! Thanks for sharing the story behind it!! I love that you used Shelby's sketch of Sheldon!!! Makes these notecards oh so special!!! Thanks for playing along with me!!!! I love your take on the challenge!!!

  2. these are so cute!! wonderful set!

  3. so cute...I love that sentiment...snail cute

  4. awwwww....what a sweet tribute. Great story!

  5. So sorry about Sheldon!!! What you have created out of this is pure genius!!! You are so sweet and thoughtful! BTW, wanted to let you know that you are being featured for ODBD Customer Card of the Day....I don't have your email, so I hope you get this! Please send me an email at angelladcrockett at yahoo dot com and I will send you a gadget code for a blinkie badge for your blog. Have a blessed day!!! Angie

  6. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  7. Marlena, this is so sweet! I adore this card set and your daughter's sketch is wonderful! Please let her know that she is very talented!!! Her drawing skills are great now...and they'll only get better with time :)


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