
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

~Papertrey Ink October Blog Hop~

I've missed too many of these hops at Nichole Heady's blog and am thrilled to participate this evening.

I pulled out some awesome orange/green DP and

 did  the following:

~Punched some DP circles

~Wrapped them with Papertrey ink eyelet lace borders cut from the same DP

~Arranged them on a strip decorated with background paper made from Tim Holtz marmalade distress ink applied directly to white cardstock.

~Lined up some bling (for some semblance of order) ;)

~Then stamped a sentiment...perfect excuse to catch up with old will go in the mail soon.

Love this inspirational photo:

Hope you got a chance to participate.

There's still time. ;)

Now off to hop....thanks for stopping in. ;)


Papertrey Ink Communique Curves Sentiments,Papertrey ink eyelet lace border die,Marvy circle punch,My Mind's Eye DP,Basic Grey DP,Tim Holtz Distress ink spiced marmalade,Want2Scrap bling


  1. what a fun use of circles and the die. Very creative.

  2. A fun take on the challenge! Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Beautiful card! I always appreciate the detail that you put into your cards! This one is fabulous.

  4. What a fun way to use that border! Makes the card more playful and very nice colors!
    Hugs, Wendy

  5. Great card! I also love the verse from 1 Cor. 2:9.

  6. Fun card Marlena! I really like the unique way you used the eyelet lace die. I also like the balance the bling adds to the card. Hope you are well!


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